Doping in yoga, why this omerta?

Dopage dans le yoga, pourquoi cette omerta ?

Yoga is a physical activity that has continued to gain popularity in recent years. And for good reason, its benefits are numerous and recognized.

But there is a darker part of this sport, aspects which some practitioners are careful not to publicize, we are talking about doping.

And yes, taking drugs to do yoga is a reality! You thought that Murielle, your neighbor on the mat, had simply developed a gift for yoga, well no!

Everyone knows that she takes essential oils on the sly, in the locker room, just before entering the room...

Doping in yoga, a well-kept secret

Reading the introduction to this article, you may have said to yourself: “I was sure, why would yoga be spared from doping!”.

More seriously, yoga is not a sport where performance is a priority. But be careful, when we talk about performance, it's not about holding the downward dog position for longer than Murielle, doped with ravinstara and other peppermint...

When practicing yoga, awareness is more important. Feeling which muscle is working while trying to control your breathing is the primary objective of yoga.

In addition, yoga is an activity that allows you to come face to face with yourself . So now is the time to surpass yourself in self-kindness.

There is no adversary to fight except your own barriers that you set for yourself. Ultimately, your self-esteem will increase.

Of course, there is also muscular work that is carried out. Yoga helps to strengthen the muscles but it is done gently , without shock or constraint.

So how can you improve your yoga practice without doping?

You will have understood, there is no doping in the yoga world, at least according to our information.

Now, as with any sporting activity, it is entirely possible to implement certain actions to make your practice even better.

Don't worry, there is no question here of giving you a list of doping products that you will only find in pharmacies.

You'll see that something as simple as paying attention to your lifestyle can make a difference on the mat.

Diet should not be neglected

Maintaining perfect nutrition is a challenge for those of us who lead modern, active lives. We can certainly get closer to achieving the appropriate amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals through a healthy, whole-food diet.

A tiny nutritional deficiency may not have a noticeable effect on your everyday life, but it can show up on your yoga mat in the form of fatigue, weakness and pain.

Fresh , natural vegetables are a simple and effective tool to improve, deepen and support your yoga practice. Choosing the right fruits , in the right season , can increase your energy, improve bone and muscle health, improve metabolism and promote overall health and well-being.

Doping in yoga does not exist

Why would yogis take supplements?

A regular yoga practice and a yogic diet based on plants and whole (unprocessed) foods provide a tremendous boost to health and well-being for the body and mind.

Yet a yoga practice requires a high level of energy, endurance, flexibility and strength, for beginners and advanced yogis alike.

Supplements can help with physical recovery after a tough class, for example by increasing blood circulation to sore muscles and aching joints. If these supplements are natural like homemade ginger juice, great. The best ally for recovery is mineral water.

Possibly other "supplements", such as essential oils can help calm the mind and increase focus for an easier meditation practice. Many books and sites exist on this subject and can provide you with explanations (Murielle told us)

There are three main factors on how to best support your body while adhering to a yoga diet and with the physical demands of yoga poses.

  • Improve diet. Many yogis are very health conscious and choose vegan or vegetarian diets. If you're not careful with your food choices, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies. While having a lower amount of one or two vitamins or minerals isn't terribly harmful, it also won't provide you with a solid foundation for optimal health and wellness.

  • Increase energy levels. Increasing your physical activity while practicing yoga requires more energy from your body. If your diet is deficient in nutrients, you may not have enough energy to fully engage the body, breath, and mind to achieve correct alignment in poses. You might also feel excessively tired or exhausted after a yoga session.

  • Improve muscle health. Yoga can be an easy form of exercise that doesn't strain the muscles, but most public classes are faster and more physically demanding and can affect the muscles, ligaments and tendons like a workout. Without proper recovery, your muscles can tighten and reduce your flexibility. Experiencing muscle soreness from a previous yoga class affects your ability to concentrate and fully participate in your current yoga practice. Not only that, but you might have trouble holding specific yoga poses due to this discomfort.

In many areas, yogis could benefit from a healthy and balanced diet, and thus avoid:

  • Daily stress
  • Chronic inflammation in the body
  • Discomfort and joint pain
  • Mental weakness and reduced concentration
  • Low metabolism
  • (...)

These are just some of the factors that can reduce the quality of your yoga practice and the quality of life itself.

If you're looking to elevate your yoga practice, natural foods can help you offset these issues, support your body, and get the most out of your practice.

An Ayurvedic diet is based on the idea that food has the power to balance and heal our body, heart and mind.

The Ayurvedic approach to nutrition encompasses what foods are chosen, how they are prepared, where they are eaten, who they are shared with, and even our intentions when we eat!

In short, go natural, because there's something better for you and your practice!