Who are we ?
A French brand of clothing for Yoga.
Yofe is based in Paris.
We want to promote all the positive aspects of yoga practice.
Originally the name of the brand YOFE is the contraction of Yo ga saved my li fe .
We can all wonder what our life would have been like without yoga...
Mikaël - creator of Yofe :

“I have been practicing yoga since 2008.
Far from being flexible, I started this practice a bit by chance while accompanying a friend... Finally, there were side effects... change of diet, self-acceptance, concentration ...
Being of a benevolent nature, when I observe or talk with someone who is going through a difficult period or who is feeling down, or has back pain or simply needs to reconnect with themselves... I advise them to "do yoga" and I regularly get a doubtful look or even a mocking smile...
Through the YOFE brand, I want to democratize this practice even more and remove the last obstacles so that the whole world discovers and adopts Yoga!