The “Namasté Bitches” series: Yoga, humor and derision - when Zen takes a slap!

série américaine namasté bitches

Do you think yoga is all about perfect postures, serene "Ommmm"s and a stress-free life?

Well, think again! With "Namasté Bitches" , prepare yourself for an explosive cocktail of yoga, dark humor and completely offbeat characters.

This series will show you that behind every warrior pose lies a good dose of self-mockery... and sometimes even chaos! So, are you ready to discover yoga from a new angle? Grab your mat (or your popcorn) and let yourself be guided!

We have put a link at the end of the article to access the episodes 🙂

The creator of the series

“Namasté Bitches” is the brainchild of award-winning director and original television content creator Summer Chastant , who serves as the series’ creator, executive producer, writer and lead actress.

Summer Chastant has captured the essence of yoga with a touch of humor and satire that has appealed to a wide audience. The series has been praised by prestigious media outlets such as The New York Times , MTV , Paste Magazine , and Cosmopolitan , and has even been dubbed "the Girls of Yoga" by LA Weekly . The first episodes were released in 2015.

What is "Namasté Bitches" about?

At the heart of "Namasté Bitches" , we follow the journey of colorful characters who try, like you (or me), to find a little inner peace... except that it doesn't go exactly as planned! The synopsis? It's the story of a yoga coach, a bit arrogant, who will have to juggle between her zen sessions, her spirituality competitions on social networks and the dramas of daily life.

We meet a gallery of characters who will offer you guaranteed laughs: the yoga teacher obsessed with the perfect image she projects, the completely lost beginner who mixes chakras and shopping, and of course, a few wellness "gurus" with XXL egos. In short, you will recognize yourself... or recognize someone!

Yoga in "Namasté Bitches": Between spirituality and derision

If you're expecting a series that venerates yoga and meditation as untouchable sacred practices, prepare to be surprised! Here, yoga almost becomes a character in its own right, used as a backdrop for all sorts of hilarious and absurd situations.

Imagine a "goat yoga" session (yes, with goats), or arguments over the best way to lay your mat to maximize your spiritual energy (hint: the position of the mat does not change your karma). The point is that "Namasté Bitches" gently pokes fun at the stereotypes surrounding yoga without ever making fun of the practice.

Because deep down, it’s also an ode to imperfection. After all, who hasn’t nearly fallen asleep in Shavasana or spent more time trying to take the perfect photo in tree pose than living in the moment?

What "namasté bitches" really says about personal development

Behind the jokes and the wacky situations, "Namasté Bitches" asks a real question: what does it really mean to be "zen"? The series highlights a clear contrast between the search for balance (thanks, yoga) and the pressure that society imposes on us (thanks, social media). In a world where everyone seems to have the answer to serenity, the characters are constantly torn between being their "best selves" and accepting that... sometimes, their best selves are just tired and need pizza.

In short, if you thought that personal development was just a question of meditation and detox herbal teas, "Namasté Bitches" will remind you that real evolution often begins with a good dose of self-mockery.

A humorous look at wellness culture

Today, “wellness culture” is everywhere: from green smoothies to 100% productive mornings to chasing Instagram likes for your perfectly lit yoga pose. “Namasté Bitches” takes a funny and unforgiving look at these modern trends that sometimes turn yoga into a competition of who’s the most zen (spoiler: no one is really zen in this series).

The stereotypes are exaggerated, but that's part of the charm. Yoga teachers who talk like they've reached nirvana at every session, clients who turn every quiet moment into a photoshoot... It's all there! But behind these exaggerations, the series also reminds you that you shouldn't take this quest for well-being too seriously. Yoga is, above all, about feeling good about yourself , and that can't be bought online.

Why watch "Namasté Bitches"?

So why should you add "Namasté Bitches" to your binge-watching list? First, for the pure pleasure of laughing. If you like yoga, you'll love watching these characters struggle to navigate the inner calm and outer drama. And if you've never set foot in a studio, even better: you'll be able to discover just how hilarious this practice can be.

This is a series for anyone looking for a fresh, funny and offbeat look at well-being. It invites you to see yoga with lightness and to remember that perfection is not the ultimate goal (and that's a little reassuring, right?).

"Namasté Bitches" is the perfect series for anyone who wants to laugh at life's little (and big) challenges while learning, even from afar, about the world of yoga. With a biting humor and a real tenderness for its characters, it will remind you that, ultimately, being zen is above all accepting your imperfections with a big smile.

So, ready to laugh? Namasté... and enjoy watching!

The official website of the series => Namasté Bitches 🎬


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