Blog - YOFE - yoga
en somme, le yoga et le surf se complètent parfaitement. tous deux favorisent la maîtrise de soi, la connexion à la nature et l’équilibre, autant dans le corps que dans l’esprit. si tu es surfeur, intégrer le yoga dans ta routine peut transformer ton approche des vagues, en te rendant plus fort, plus souple et plus centré. alors pourquoi ne pas essayer ?
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Yoga breathing not only calms the mind; it also has profound physical effects on the body. Deep, conscious breathing increases the supply of oxygen to cells, which improves overall vitality and supports physical endurance.
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Integrating somatic exercises into yoga creates a beneficial synergy by strengthening body awareness and improving fluidity of movement. This combination enriches the practice of yoga by allowing a deeper exploration of asanas through sensation and listening to the body.
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In this article, we invite you to discover yoga in a new light. Whether you are alone or with your family, sporty or sedentary, yoga is certainly a discipline within your reach!
Are you afraid of not getting there and that prevents you from taking the plunge?
Do you want to get started, but you don't know how to go about it?
Let yourself be guided
In 2019, statistics identified 2.6 million yoga practitioners in France, and 80% of them are women!
How can a discipline developed by a man ( Patañjali ) be so neglected by them in our Western culture? In India, men who practice yoga are numerous, and they are even very popular!
You're a man, and you don't dare go to just any yoga class. But know that there are now more and more yoga studios that offer classes for men only.