Yoga for Men: Awaken the Yogi in you!

Yoga Pour Hommes : Réveille Le Yogi Qui Sommeille En Toi

Yoga for men: discover the yogi in you


Did you know that only 20% of French yogis are men?

In 2019, statistics identified 2.6 million yoga practitioners in France, and 80% of them are women!

How can a discipline developed by a man ( Patañjali ) be so neglected by them in our Western culture? In India, there are many men who practice yoga, and they are even very popular!

You're a man, and you don't dare go to just any yoga class. But know that today there are more and more yoga studios that offer classes reserved for men.


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And if you want to start yoga alone at home, this article might just motivate you to start practicing!

Yoga for men: And why not?

  • The practice of yoga is for “girls”.
  • Yoga is not sport...
  • I don't want to meditate, so yoga isn't for me!

But do you really know who is at the origin of the discipline of yoga? A man ! Eh yes ! Yoga is a discipline as beneficial for men as for women (and even for children).

According to a recent survey carried out by the Union Sport & Cycle:

  • 93% of yogis practice another sport at the same time
  • 44% of them go running or trail running
  • 36% of yoga practitioners also do fitness

The benefits of practicing yoga for men

We hear a lot about the benefits of yoga . The only problem is that the majority of the time, it is the benefits of yoga for women that are highlighted.


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However, practicing yoga for men can bring you multiple benefits, and surely much more than you dare to imagine.

Your yoga training will help you develop a strong mind and cultivate self-improvement; because the techniques and sequences of yoga can turn out to be particularly physical while we often think that a yoga session is “just meditation”.


Here are some of the benefits you can get from your yoga sessions:


  • Release of tensions (physical and mental)
  • Reduced stress
  • Reduction of the inflammatory state
  • Strengthening the immune system and eliminating toxins
  • Better concentration
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Improved flexibility and overall health through physical activity


But that's not all !

It is reported that regular yoga practice improves sexual abilities and libido due to the significant stimulation of blood circulation during workouts.


yoga for men

Doing yoga for men would also prevent the risk of developing prostate problems . Yoga postures are specific to this masculine characteristic.

Who are the men who practice yoga?

Yoga for men: know yourself better and stay in shape

You don't have to be associated with a certain type of person to start yoga. Many yogis practice with the aim of improving their physical and mental well-being in general, to learn to channel their emotions, to surpass themselves...

Quite simply, to learn to observe their limits and know themselves better.

High-level sportsmen and athletes

To give you examples, here are some athletes who practice yoga for men :

  • Novak Djokovic, one of the greatest tennis players
  • Tiger Woods, famous American athlete and golfer
  • Guillaume Néry, world freediving champion and diving expert
  • LeBron James, basketball player and one of the best players known in the NBA
  • Jonny Wilkinson, great English rugby player…

 In addition, the coaches of the "All Blacks", the Arsenal team and the Giants have included the practice of yoga in their players' training routine.

Do you wonder why top athletes have an interest in practicing yoga ?

 It is indeed an excellent discipline to prepare for matches or competitions and complete their daily training.

It considerably boosts their sporting performance and allows them to benefit from better recovery after exercise.

Rehabilitation and convalescence: yoga to recover or maintain physical abilities

 Whether you are athletic or not, you can get injured in any circumstances of life.

 Yoga is therefore the best ally of physiotherapists and other health professionals to help their patients recover from an injury .

Yoga exercises are excellent for rehabilitation after trauma. They allow you to stretch and mobilize the body and joints gently .

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Yoga postures adapted to male audiences

The upward facing dog

 As a man, you naturally have a more muscular upper body than women. This posture allows you to stretch your shoulders and pectorals, and thus facilitate access to more complex yoga exercises, which require greater range of motion in your upper body.

 Downward facing dog

 This somewhat strange yoga posture at first glance is a basic asana figure, and it provides you with many benefits:

- Complete release and stretching of the neck, neck and back

- Deep muscle and tendon stretching

- Improved flexibility after some training...

Pigeon pose

I promise, it’s not done on purpose! Yoga postures all have rather funny names...

You may find yourself limited by the flexibility of your hips in various situations, like many men.

This posture is ideal for promoting the opening of the hips and improving your range of motion. Gaining flexibility in the hip joint can be of great use to you in practicing many sports.

Are you still hesitant to start practicing yoga?

Yofe suggests you consult his latest article: the difference between the good and the bad yogi .

 With a little humor and second degree, you will see that yoga is also within your reach!

Do you want to equip yourself for a yoga session or for a night out with your friends?

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