Blog - YOFE - yoga
Le Pranayama est bien plus qu'une simple technique de respiration. C'est un outil puissant qui peut transformer ta pratique de la plongée, qu'il s'agisse de plongée bouteille ou d'apnée. En maîtrisant ton souffle, tu pourras prolonger tes immersions, mieux gérer ton stress et profiter pleinement de chaque plongée. N'hésite pas à intégrer le Pranayama à ton quotidien, et découvre comment cette pratique millénaire peut t'aider à atteindre de nouveaux horizons sous-marins.
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In this article, we invite you to discover yoga in a new light. Whether you are alone or with your family, sporty or sedentary, yoga is certainly a discipline within your reach!
Are you afraid of not getting there and that prevents you from taking the plunge?
Do you want to get started, but you don't know how to go about it?
Let yourself be guided
In 2019, statistics identified 2.6 million yoga practitioners in France, and 80% of them are women!
How can a discipline developed by a man ( Patañjali ) be so neglected by them in our Western culture? In India, men who practice yoga are numerous, and they are even very popular!
You're a man, and you don't dare go to just any yoga class. But know that there are now more and more yoga studios that offer classes for men only.
If you start practicing cardiac coherence, you will have a very effective tool for the daily management of stress and emotions . At the beginning of the day, before an important appointment, a decisive meeting... practice the exercise, and you will feel a feeling of peace and calm .
In the long term, the benefits of cardiac coherence are numerous on physical and mental health.
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In the long term, the benefits of cardiac coherence are numerous on physical and mental health.
Yoga recognizes five factors, fundamental to the mind of each person. They are called kleshas because they are the ancestors of every human misery.
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