Why don't we melt while practicing hot yoga?

Hot yoga – hot yoga for lovers of the French language – actually describes a number of different styles of yoga.
But what they all have in common is that the classes take place in a room where the temperature is raised to between 30 and 39 degrees.
Hot yoga classes range from following a sequence of poses to smoother Vinyasa flow classes and gentle Yin classes.
This style of yoga is becoming incredibly popular around the world, and with its many benefits and advantages, we can easily see why.
But if you're trying hot yoga for the very first time, there are a few things you need to prepare yourself for.
What are the benefits of hot yoga?
We will start by listing the benefits of hot yoga.
- Cardiovascular health: Exercising in the heat increases your heart rate and makes the body work harder, so a hot yoga class will be more exhausting on the body than a similar class done at a lower temperature.
- Flexibility: The heat in the room means you will have to create less heat yourself to feel your muscles relax. You will be able to go deeper in the stretches and will not have to warm up as much to increase body heat.
- Detox: Many people will claim that because you sweat a lot in a yoga class, you are detoxing. That is not exactly correct. your body does not detoxify through the skin, but rather through the kidneys and liver, so a hot yoga class will not directly cause you to release toxins. However, cardiovascular exercise and drinking plenty of water can help boost your metabolism and essentially help you flush out toxins.
- Breathing: Although the heat may mean you feel like you are working hard to catch your breath in a yoga class, the breathing exercises that are often performed during the session can over time help increase your lung capacity and breathe better and more deeply.
Hot yoga is a great way to feel completely refreshed and reset. Our best advice for anyone considering trying hot yoga would be to give yourself permission to rest when you need it.
It's too easy to get caught up in the sequence, but taking charge of your practice and taking a break when you need it will allow you to notice if you're working on your asanas in a way that serves you that day.
By practicing with intention throughout the class, you will feel good in mind and body and not just exhausted at the end of a class.

How to prepare for hot yoga
Hot yoga can be really great if you prepare and listen to your body throughout the class.
First of all, be and stay hydrated. This means drinking plenty of water before class throughout the day and continuing to drink water throughout class and afterward.
Also, don't eat too much beforehand, but you can't show up on an empty stomach either. Pack something that will help you maintain your energy levels, but won't weigh you down, like a banana or a small smoothie.
During a Hot Yoga class, listen to yourself and take a break if you feel you really need it. Hot yoga can take some getting used to, so it's best to take it easy at first and not overdo it.
Take breaks from practice and rest on your mat. And if you feel like half a lesson is enough for you the first few times, that's already good! You can gradually build up your tolerance to this type of yoga.
Let the teacher know in advance that you are moving slowly and may not be able to complete the entire lesson, so they know why if you leave the room.
After class, you can replenish your electrolytes and rehydrate with something like coconut water or a smoothie.
At first, working in the heat can be somewhat difficult, but once you get used to practicing in the heat, it can be really rewarding.
Hot yoga essentials
Non-slip yoga mat
You will have understood, hot yoga will make you sweat. It is therefore essential to equip yourself with a non-slip yoga mat. If you can't find one, you can very well cover your mat with an absorbent towel.
Remember to take a second to towel off when necessary.
A large capacity bottle
A bottle of water is essential for a hot yoga class.
Choose a large capacity aluminum bottle to avoid running out of water in the middle of a hot yoga session.
Plus, the aluminum will keep your water cool throughout the class.
Yoga shorts
Yoga can be practiced with long leggings but with hot yoga, shorts will be more suitable.
Avoid shorts that are too baggy and opt for tight-fitting shorts with a high waist.
Made from the same material as the leggings, our yoga shorts will offer you greater freedom of movement without accumulating perspiration.
Yoga Socks
Although you want to wear very light clothing for a hot yoga class, you should be careful about what you wear on your feet, as yoga socks can help you maintain your grip when you start to sweat on your feet. carpet.
A hygienic alternative to bare feet, yoga socks generally feature non-slip pads that allow secure placement of the foot on any type of surface.
Some models completely cover the foot while others have openwork at the toes. It's up to you to see what's most comfortable for you.
In conclusion, sweating will not directly make you lose weight. But what is certain is that hot yoga is good for your health. And since you're going to drink more, you're going to help your body eliminate what it doesn't need.
So, are you ready for your first hot yoga session?