yoga and physical activity

yoga exercice physique et somatique

Yoga is an ancient practice that has gained popularity in recent decades as an effective method for improving physical and mental health.

With spring just around the corner, if you're looking for a physical activity to get back in shape or to complement your current sports routine , yoga can be a great option. In this article, Yofe explores for you the different ways to incorporate yoga into your sports or fitness routine.

Start with the basics

If you are new to yoga, it is important to start with the basics. If you think that yoga is necessarily putting a leg around your neck while balancing on one arm, rest assured, there are simpler ways to start!

Learn about the different types of yoga and find a beginner's class. This will help you learn the basic postures and familiarize yourself with the different breathing techniques used in yoga practice.

On Yofe's blog, you will find fact sheets detailing the different yogas

article on the different yogas

Add yoga to your routine

One of the best ways to incorporate yoga into your fitness routine is to add it to your schedule. Set a realistic goal , such as practicing yoga once a week. It's better to start small and stick with it than to set goals that are too ambitious and will eventually discourage you.

Find a class at a yoga studio near you or try an online class, such as through YouTube.

Combination with other activities

Yoga can also be combined with other fitness activities. For example, you can practice yoga before or after a cardiovascular or strength training session.

Practicing yoga as a warm-up can help improve flexibility and mobility, while allowing you to focus on your breathing and relax. During this time, you can think about goals for your session (running more miles, lifting more weight, etc.). Yoga helps you get focused quickly.

Here are three examples of yoga asanas that can be used to stretch the muscles and prepare your concentration:

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend): This pose involves standing with your feet hip-width apart and then bending your body forward to reach your toes or shins. This pose stretches your hamstrings, lower back, and calf muscles.

Marjariasana-Bitilasana (Cow-Cat Pose): This two-pose sequence involves alternating between cow pose (marjariasana), where you inhale while lifting your head and arching your back, and cat pose (bitilasana), where you exhale while rounding your back and lowering your head. This sequence stretches the back and shoulders.

Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose): This pose involves getting into a forward lunge position with one knee bent at 90 degrees and the other leg extended behind you. This pose stretches the hips, quadriceps, and hip flexors.

These three asanas are effective stretches for different muscle groups and can be included in a yoga session to help improve flexibility and mobility of the body. It is important to warm up properly before performing these asanas and to practice them under the supervision of a qualified yoga teacher if you are a beginner.

Use Yoga to Recover After Exercise

If you already do sports like running, boxing or cycling, yoga can also be used to recover after exercise. Yoga stretches and poses can help reduce muscle soreness and increase flexibility. Try practicing a few yoga poses after your regular workout to improve your recovery and prevent injuries.

Here are three examples of yoga asanas that can help you relax after a workout:

Balasana (Child's Pose): This asana involves kneeling and bending forward with the forehead touching the floor. This pose stretches the back and hips and can help relieve stress and tension in these areas.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Frog Pose): This pose involves lying on your back with your feet together and your knees falling to the sides. This pose stretches the hips and groin and can help calm the mind and reduce stress.

Savasana (Corpse Pose): This asana involves lying on your back with your arms and legs relaxed and your eyes closed. This pose helps release muscular and mental tension, allowing the body to rest and recover after physical exertion.

These three asanas can be practiced at the end of a workout to help calm the mind and reduce muscle tension. It is important to breathe slowly and deeply while practicing these poses to maximize their relaxing effects.

You can listen to “zen” music during this phase. This helps increase introspection and increase relaxation. You will recharge your batteries and create good memories for your body. Next time, it will be easier to find the momentum to go and do sports.

Find a community

By sprinkling your sports practice with a few pinches of yoga, there is a good chance that you will become a full-fledged yoga practitioner !

If you want to get more serious and regular about yoga, you can probably find a community near you of people who share your new passion.

Join a yoga group or attend local yoga events. This will help you meet new people and motivate you to continue your practice.

In conclusion, incorporating yoga into your sports practice or during a fitness period can be a great way to boost your physical and mental health. By starting slowly and with the basics, adding yoga to your routine , using it to recover after exercise, combining it with other activities and finding a community, you will quickly enjoy the many benefits of yoga.

We all know that, beginner or experienced, yoga is an enriching and enjoyable practice for everyone.

You can find our article on somatic exercises and the link with yoga here => what is somatic exercise?


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