Blog - YOFE - yoga

Garudasana : Maîtrise la posture de l'aigle en yoga pour renforcer ton équilibre et ta confiance
La posture de l’aigle est bien plus qu’une simple posture d’équilibre. Elle t’invite à te concentrer, à te renforcer et à te reconnecter à ton corps. En la pratiquant régulièrement, tu développes non seulement ton équilibre physique, mais aussi ta confiance en toi et ta capacité à gérer les défis avec calme et détermination. Alors, pourquoi ne pas essayer de te laisser porter par l’énergie de Garuda, et voler vers de nouveaux horizons dans ta pratique du yoga ?
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How to Master This Balancing Yoga Pose - Crow (Bakasana)
Bakasana is a fun yet challenging pose that pushes you to your limits, both physically and mentally. While it may seem difficult at first, remember that the key is patience and consistent practice. Over time, you will feel the lightness settling in, and you will be able to hold this pose with grace. So, are you ready to fly?
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The “Namasté Bitches” series: Yoga, humor and derision - when Zen takes a slap!
The stereotypes are exaggerated, but that's part of the charm. Yoga teachers who talk like they've reached nirvana in every session, clients who turn every quiet moment into a photoshoot... It's all there! But behind these exaggerations, the series also reminds you that you shouldn't take this quest for well-being too seriously. Yoga is, above all, about feeling good about yourself, and that can't be bought online.
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Shavasana (Savasana): The Ultimate Relaxing Yoga Pose for Body and Mind
Shavasana is the relaxation posture that is usually done at the end of each yoga session. It is a moment of total rest , where you allow your body to absorb all the benefits of the practice. To do it, simply lie comfortably on your back, arms slightly apart from your body, palms facing the sky, and legs hip-width apart. Breathe deeply, close your eyes, and… let go.
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