Blog - YOFE - yoga

Qu'est-ce qu' exercice somatique ?
L'intégration d'exercices somatiques au yoga crée une synergie bénéfique en renforçant la conscience corporelle et en améliorant la fluidité des mouvements. Cette combinaison enrichit la pratique du yoga en permettant une exploration plus profonde des asanas à travers la sensation et l'écoute du corps. 
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Why should you start practicing yoga in 2024?
In this article, we invite you to discover yoga in a new light. Whether you are alone or with your family, sporty or sedentary, yoga is certainly a discipline within your reach!
Are you afraid of not getting there and that prevents you from taking the plunge?
Do you want to get started, but you don't know how to go about it?
Let yourself be guided
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Shorts for every posture: The guide to choosing between tight-fitting or floating yoga shorts for yoga
When you roll out your yoga mat, you are getting ready to reconnect with yourself. The outfit you choose plays a crucial role in this experience. Among the decisions to be made, that of shorts is essential. Are you hesitating between tight shorts and floating shorts from our brand or in general? Through this article, Yofe guides you so that you find the shorts that best suit you for your yoga practice, while maintaining style!
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How Chair Yoga Improves Daily Health and Well-Being

The beauty of chair yoga is its accessibility. Unlike some forms of yoga which require particular flexibility or strength, chair yoga is open to everyone, regardless of their age or physical condition. This form of yoga is perfect for those looking for a way to stay active, reduce stress, and improve their overall health without being daunted by complex or intimidating yoga poses. This is why chair yoga is such a practice. important and accessible .

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